The clouds are mad. Dad you better come inside.
The clouds are mad. Dad you better come inside.
You make me happy ga ga.
Annabelle talking to Penelope after she had been crying
Bumpa: Achoo!
Adeline: Bless you
Bumpa: Achoo!
Adeline: I am not sure whether to bless you or ask if you are ok
You fromember?
Annabelle asking if we remember
Every once in a while Annabelle will walk down to my office with a big smile on her face and her hands cupped together. She comes bearing a small treat like peanuts or crackers that both if us like. She likes to take care of her daddy.
Annabelle: My foot hurts!
Mommy: Annabelle you need to go back to bed.
Annabelle: It’s like bleeding blood.
Adeline rode her bike all the way to North Hill Elementary all by herself today!
Have good working!
Annabelle to daddy
Annabelle: I go on your head. You give me my food. Do you like it?… Do you?
We were at Rojo
Adeline lifted her black see through dress up, looked at Mika and said “Mika, you’re black!” Mika quietly giggled.
Daddy: Thank you Annabelle!
Annabelle: You are so welcome your highness!
After a tall waiter at walked by at Rojo
Adeline: Grammy look at that guy. He really reads his Bible.
Grammy: Why do you say that?
Adeline: Because they told me Sunday that if you read your bible you’ll grow and grow.
Daddy: I love both of you girls so much!
Adeline: We know! You tell us every night!
Annabelle: Yeah we’re getting sick of it!
Adeline: Can you please stop?
Adeline: Daddy can you tell us a story?
Daddy: Sure, just give me a minute to think of one.
Annabelle: I have one!…
Adeline: Yeah, I know what it is.
Annabelle: Raegan and Addison and Cherry were throwing berries into the pool
Adeline: I told ya
Daddy: [lol]
Annabelle: [put her head in the pillow and cried]
Daddy: Annabelle, I am sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Let me help you tell a different story.
Annabelle: I don’t know any other stories!
Adeline: It’s ok Annabelle. We love you just the way you are!
Eva knows how to cook, but she doesn’t cook. It’s confusing.
You’re not the boss!
Annabelle to all children all the time
Is that cow really a cow?
Adeline pointing toward Hooper the Pistons’ horse mascot
Those are some inappropriate girls don’t you think?
Adeline watching the Pistons dance team
They’re eating tissue paper. Pink tissue paper.
Adeline watching the kids next to us eat cotton candy
Is that the expensive food that we aren’t going to buy?